"Perhaps the most impressive of all the cookbook blogs are the three devoted to the 2004 edition of Gourmet magazine's "The Gourmet Cookbook" -- all 5¼ pounds and 1,300-odd recipes of it. Befitting this culinary Everest, all three writers are overachievers in their professional lives."

--Lee Gomes, The Wall Street Journal, May 28, 2008
"I should have told you before how much I've been enjoying reading your thoughts. You seem like such a great cook."

--Ruth Reichl, Editor-in-Chief of Gourmet Magazine, June 8 2008, comment on "Chocolate Velvet Ice Cream".

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Swiss Chard with Chickpeas

There are several Swiss chard recipes in the book and they all look good, but this one was the quickest so it won. I made it to serve with the previously mentioned Jerusalem artichokes and hamburgers as another side dish.

But you know what? This is no side dish, Swiss Chard with Chickpeas is a meal.

There's something about chickpeas that makes you take them seriously if they're in a dish. They're big enough that they require a commitment in the chewing department. And they're filling--packed with fiber, as any diligent dieter will tell you.

So I erred in making this a side dish--it should have been the main event, maybe with some rice or a nice, crusty loaf of bread and of course a little white wine.

Vegetarians, take note--this is a simple dish to add to your repertoire if you don't have it already.

Teena, I borrowed your photo. Thanks.

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