"Perhaps the most impressive of all the cookbook blogs are the three devoted to the 2004 edition of Gourmet magazine's "The Gourmet Cookbook" -- all 5¼ pounds and 1,300-odd recipes of it. Befitting this culinary Everest, all three writers are overachievers in their professional lives."

--Lee Gomes, The Wall Street Journal, May 28, 2008
"I should have told you before how much I've been enjoying reading your thoughts. You seem like such a great cook."

--Ruth Reichl, Editor-in-Chief of Gourmet Magazine, June 8 2008, comment on "Chocolate Velvet Ice Cream".

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Pecans, Dried Apricots and Dried Sour Cherries

How can you go wrong with ingredients like these? You can't. I haven't even baked them yet, I just mixed up the dough and left it for Miranda (the other cook) to bake tomorrow, but as a long-time connoisseur of cookie dough this stands high in the ranks.

What is more on my mind is that I would like to dedicate these cookies, this entry, the whole enterprise of baking with love to our friend and neighbor Marjorie Johnson, who passed away early this morning. A difficult, stubborn and at times infuriating woman, she nevertheless had a soft spot for small creatures, beauty, and people who treated her with kindness. She also admired Martha Stewart and would lend me stacks of her magazines (as long as I gave them back). She was intensely interested in my cooking career, and gave me a few things she thought I could use--an old Julia Child cookbook, and a lovely rolling pin that I do use frequently.

She would never accept food from us--she had all kinds of self-imposed dietary restrictions--but I think she would have loved the idea of these cookies and would have thought them very fancy and impressive.

Marjorie, I'm glad your suffering is finally at an end. Rest in Peace.

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