"Perhaps the most impressive of all the cookbook blogs are the three devoted to the 2004 edition of Gourmet magazine's "The Gourmet Cookbook" -- all 5¼ pounds and 1,300-odd recipes of it. Befitting this culinary Everest, all three writers are overachievers in their professional lives."

--Lee Gomes, The Wall Street Journal, May 28, 2008
"I should have told you before how much I've been enjoying reading your thoughts. You seem like such a great cook."

--Ruth Reichl, Editor-in-Chief of Gourmet Magazine, June 8 2008, comment on "Chocolate Velvet Ice Cream".

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Santa Fe French Toast

For all of my friends who are watching their weight, turn away now. Just reading this will make you gain five pounds.

All right, brave of heart, here is how you make Santa Fe French Toast (so called because it was famously served on the Santa Fe line):

Soak your challah or thick white bread in a heavy cream/egg blend. Fry (that's in a good inch or two of oil, or heck, a fry-a-lator if you have one) until golden brown, about two minutes. Drain briefly on paper towels, then bake in a 400 oven until puffy, about four minutes. Dust with powdered sugar, and serve with warm honey or syrup.


Now do an extra fifteen minutes on the elliptical tomorrow. (me too.)

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